Whether you need a web copy refresh, fun-to-read emails, sleaze-free sales copy or just about anything else brand messaging—you're in the right place. Fill out the enquiry form below and I'll be in touch within 24 business hours!
Need an expert speaker for your course or program? Or maybe you need a podcast guest to yap about the art and science of a hot headline? A collab? Email me at hollie@latitudelane.com and we'll chat!
Don’t see your question?
Email: hollie@latitudelane.com or send a DM @latitude.lane
Confidently click publish on your web copy, sales page or email sequence with pro copywriting editing suggestions, customized to your brand—without the pro copywriter price.
Need help with your email newsletter? Launch email ideas? Brand positioning? Taglines? Whatever your brand messaging or copywriting question, we'll sort it out in 90-minutes flat.
Because copy that’s fun to read is copy that sells.
With a marketing degree, an (un)healthy obsession with wordplay, and almost a decade of copywriting experience, I built Latitude Lane to be the go-to creative partner for entrepreneurs who want to create cool as f*ck brands with messaging that goes down smoother than two-for-one spicy margs on ladies night. And if that’s your vibe, I’d love to meet you.